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Textes d'archives anciennes

Italy is a country rich in history but relatively young with regard to archives. Genealogical interest is not common here, because oral tradition is of great importance. This results in complicated genealogical research and the constant loss of worn out and aged archives.

There are abundant documents, but the regional archives are not yet as well catalogued as in France, the archives have not been centralised, to such an extent that research is very diversified :

  • The town halls are very reserved towards this kind of research.
  • A minority of dioceses welcome genealogists.
  • It is difficult to obtain authorisation from priests to consult the registers (90% of the research).
  • Libraries and other places are useful complimentary sources of information.

The difficulty consists of being able to pass from one archive to another, from one municipality to another, from one parish to another in order to construct patiently a family tree with all its elements. Each archive being able to bridge the gap of another.

Fluency in the language is indispensable for facing these difficulties and local experience is the main asset for unblocking stagnant situations.

See the list of cities where I have conducted research